✏️ Dearest data fam

And just like that, January is in the books. You made it through blue Monday so now come warm yourself by the flames of the first Hot Data News of 2024 🔥

📹 Living archive of the month 

If less series-binging is on your list of good intentions for the year then you might want to skip this one. Truly compulsive viewing, this masterpiece in the simple power of good editing brings out the beautiful strangeness of the everyday.

Archiving is a powerful tool to understand the world that rushes past us everyday. When we let the simple things accumulate we start to see absurd and extraordinary patterns, from zoos to supermarkets to Christiano Ronaldo.

 🕊️ Database of the month

This project uses AI to recognise the feathered friends making a mockery of the surveillance cameras used to police the boundaries between countries. These grainy final shots hit home, contrasting their purposeful freedom with the ugly border walls. The artist responsible is Dries Depoorter and he’s mastered an inspiring play between technology, freedom and data access.

📰  Story of the month 

For all the power in collecting and archiving, it’s useless if we can’t connect with the information we find. Last year we produced an art piece using sound and rhythm to give a true picture of the global scale of femicide.

This is a widespread yet largely invisible social issue that the media ignores in favour of sensational anomalies. Dramatic stories attract readers, but through finding new data languages in sound and other sensory stimulus, we can bring more prominent issues to the emotional foreground.

🗺️ Map of the month 

What does your neighbourhood say about you? Here in “Alfred-Scholz-Platz” in Neuköllnto they’ve mapped it out, paving the square with stones that represent the people who walk on them. Based on demographic data of the residents in this migrant neighbourhood, the stones were taken from their birthplace and laid down to show the multicultural makeup of the community.

🧑‍💻 Web of the month

Recent years have seen radical challenges to historical remnants in public space that don't align with modern democracy. While expressing opinions about what should or shouldn't be in the streets is one thing, when it becomes a law, change becomes necessary. This online platform was created to highlight and locate symbols of fascism still present in Spain after the dictatorship, despite laws requiring the removal of all Francoist symbols.

Stay furiously curious and absurdly everyday,

Big love and inspiration from the Data Café x

Thanks for reading all the way to the end!

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