✏️ Dearest data fam

It’s been a bit of a show in the studio these days, from mega light sculptures, to motorised messaging, to reviving those chunky old TV’s from the 90’s. And amidst the hustle, bustle, we’ve been on the hunt for inspo gems as always. Here’s what caught our eye in the oh-so-brief but totally sweet month of February.

📖 Data viz of the month

AI doesn’t just have the potential to revive old memories, but to breathe new life into classic works of art. Turns out it can help us to interact with classic literature, and build new connections and appreciation for the likes of Shakespeare and Shelley. 

This print draws lines of love between every instance of Romeo and Juliet mentioned in the play to unite them once and for all. It really reminded us of the time we brought the inanimate characters of Shelley’s Frankenstein to life, giving them a point of view through AI and a pen plotter.

🌿 Database of the month 

Whatever the problem is you’re trying to solve, nature has probably already figured it out. This incredible catalogue of over 1700 strategies found in the natural world serves as a guide for innovative thinking. The answers are already out there, all we have to do is ask!

📰  Plugin of the month 

How can we preserve our capacity for scepticism in an age of algorithmic fact checking? That’s what we’ve been wondering so we decided to do something about it. We’ve published a story on Medium to share the current landscape of misinformation and fact-checking, and also developed an experimental google plugin to help you keep your critical mind sharp.

🎨 Tool of the month

Sketch by sketch, graphic designer Pablo Delcan is bringing a sense of humour and playfulness into the world of generative art. A self-described non-A.I. generative model, he draws prompts submitted by the public, directly visualising the difference between human and algorithmic creativity. As fun as it is, this is also a powerful point on the value of human experience in the creative process. This is a biggy for us, and we’ll be getting stuck into this debate in the coming months.

📹 Prototype of the month 

An inspired response to the age old question: who is policing the police? Many have tried and failed, but this ingenious prototype invokes the maternal bond for a lesson in accountability. The artist has modified a weapon to connect with the human behind instantaneous acts of violence, sending a message to the owner’s mother each time they strike someone.

Check your facts,

Challenge the views you choose,

And take a little motivation,

From your Data Muse x

Thanks for reading all the way to the end!